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Dear NaturalNews readers,
All of a sudden pediatric physicians are concerned that children might die from choking on hot dogs.
But as I explain in today's feature story, it's not the shape that makes you choke, it's what's IN the hot dogs! Read more here:
Sherry Baker reports on why there's no evidence that flu shots are safe or effective for senior citizens... so why do help authorities keep pushing them so aggressively?
My 15-part self-healing series continues today with part ten: How to enhance your health by protecting your skin from toxic chemicals:
More news continues below on aspartame, meat irradiation, GM foods and more...
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Today's Feature Stories:
Heal Yourself in 15 Days by Cleaning Up Your Skin Exposure (Part Ten)
(NaturalNews) Continuing with our 15-day self healing series, today we focus on cleaning up your skin exposures. By "skin exposures," I mean all the things your skin comes into contact with... and the sheer quantity of those things will probably...
New research: no good scientific evidence flu shots are effective or safe for elders
(NaturalNews) According to none other than the esteemed health experts of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) web site, "... people 65 and older should get their regular, or 'seasonal', flu vaccine as soon as possible...People age 65 and older are at...
Note Congressional Aspartame Testimony (Opinion)
Despite all the information concerning the adverse effects of aspartame and the endless trail of money and corruption by Searle and Donald Rumsfeld, this synthetic, artificial sweetener is still touted as the panacea to sugar...
Health reform bill steals from the young to cover sick care costs of the elderly
(NaturalNews) Buzz about the health care reform bill never seems to end as talking heads from across the political spectrum duel it out over how best to control people through health care. What the population at large may not be aware of is that, if it...
Doctors Warn About Dangers of Genetically Modified Food
(NaturalNews) The American Academy of Environmental Medicine has warned that the public should avoid genetically modified (GM) foods, stating, "There is more than a casual association between GM foods and adverse health effects. There is causation." A...
American Meat Institute is pushing irradiation as the solution to E. coli
In response to last year's outbreaks of E. coli, salmonella, and ammonia in beef, the American Meat Institute (AMI) is urging the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to approve slaughterhouse irradiation as the solution. The AMI...
Choking on Hot Dogs? It's not the shape, it's the ingredients
(NaturalNews) The American Academy of Pediatrics is making headlines this week with a bizarre recommendation that hot dogs should be re-shaped to make them less of a choking hazard for children. But there's no mention of all the cancer-causing chemical...
Product review: Rejuvenate Berries and Herbs superfood is rich in RNA, plant proteins
(NaturalNews) It's rare that I discover a new superfood product that truly impresses me. SunWarrior has a new green superfood product that I still plan to review shortly, and I'm always a fan of LivingFuel, Boku...
Heal Yourself in 15 Days - the series:
Part One - Remove barriers to healing
Part Two - Unleash your inner healing potential
Part Three - You are what you absorb
Part Four - Transform your health by making new blood
Part Five - Experience the healing potential of living plant juices
Part Six - Accelerate your healing with a 24-hour fast
Part Seven - Improve your health by rejecting the (mainstream) crowd:
Part Eight - Stop making disease
Part Nine - Heal yourself by correcting a "Nature deficiency"
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