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NaturalNews Tip of the day (from Mike): |
Dear NaturalNews readers,
Lots of people have been asking me recently: What's going to happen between now at 2012?
I don't claim to have a crystal ball, but based on current trends, I think we're all headed for some serious challenges over the next three years.
I've compiled a list of 36 important predictions for 2010 - 2012. Read them all right here:
Do you trust prostate cancer screening? Did you know that 50 percent of the positives are false positives?
You can naturally lower your risk of cancer in lots of different ways. Read more here:
More news continues below on fish contamination, diabetes, anti-aging, meditation and more...
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Today's Feature Stories:
Thirty-six predictions for the world: 2010 - 2012
(NaturalNews) Ask around and you'll hear this over and over again: People are concerned about what might be coming. They're concerned about a global financial collapse, an ecological crisis and potential disruptions in the food supply. The radical weather...
Prostate Cancer Screening: 50 Percent False Positives
(NaturalNews) As many as 50 percent of all prostate cancer diagnoses may be cases of over-diagnosis, according to a study published in the British Medical Journal. Over-diagnosis refers to the detection of a cancer that, if left untreated, would...
Exercise can fight aging
(NaturalNews) A recent study conducted by researchers from Saarland University in Germany has found that engaging in long-term physical activity results in an anti-aging effect. Telomeres, the protective caps found on the ends of cell chromosomes that...
Contaminant in Fish Linked to Diabetes
(NaturalNews) Great Lakes boat captains who eat more fish have higher levels of the DDT byproduct DDE in their blood and a significantly higher risk of diabetes than other captains, according to a study conducted by researchers from the Wisconsin Division...
Farmers Extend Growing Season Using Plastic, Recycled Bottles and Hoop Tunnels
Innovative farmers from areas as diverse as Maine, New York and Tennessee, are proving that vegetables can be grown in all seasons. Utilizing plastic and PVC to make "tunnels," or hanging recycled plastic bottles in windows, these farmers...
Energy Healing: Take Control of Your Chi Energy with Qigong (Chi-gong)
The recognition of Chi energy's role for good health and healing has emerged through acupuncture, Reiki, and Polarity Therapy. But all of these therapies require a practitioner. There is a method to generate and orient Chi or prana (life...
Make Gourmet Olive Oils Infused with Herbs
Olive oil is made from crushing and pressing of olives to extract the oil. Studies have shown time and again that people who use olive oil in place of animal fats or unhealthy hydrogenated fats have lower rates of heart disease, atherosclerosis...
Even "green" technologies depend on dirty, destructive mining operations for rare metals
(NaturalNews) The advent of new "green" technologies may seem like a perfect remedy to many former methods that caused heavy pollution and environmental destruction. The only problem is that many of these new technologies require the mining of rare earth...
Online Advertising Easily Influences Teens to Eat More Junk Food
(NaturalNews) Teenagers are strongly affected by Internet marketing in a way that has yet to be addressed by scientific research or government regulation, a group of scientists has warned in a review published in the Journal of Adolescent Health
Naturally Reduce Your Chances of Getting Cancer, Part I
Mainstream health experts have estimated that up to 40% of all cancer could be prevented with more immunizations against diseases that increase cancer risks and with healthy changes in diet and lifestyle. Many natural health experts believe...
Meditation may be the Future of Anti-Aging, Part I
According to the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, 90% of all adult illness is due to the degenerative processes of aging. Anti-aging medicine, aiming for longevity and optimal health, is most certainly the 'specialty' of the future...
Naturally Reduce Your Chances of Getting Cancer, Part II
While most people can greatly reduce their chances of getting cancer with healthy changes in diet and lifestyle, others with higher cancer risk factors may wish to take additional steps to have the maximum chances. People at higher risk include...
Common Herbs can be used as Natural Pesticides
(NaturalNews) Essential oils extracted from common kitchen herbs and spices can be used as safer, less destructive pesticides, according to research led by Murray Isman of the University of British Columbia and presented at the Fall Meeting of the American...
Meditation may be the Future of Anti-Aging, Part II
Scientific experts now believe we have in-built mechanisms that can fight and reverse the aging process. Innovative research into the reversal of aging is well underway and, while scientists debate the many different theories, research has...
Heal yourself in 15 days: Stop making disease by embracing the recipe for health (part eight)
(NaturalNews) It also seems too simple: In order to achieve lasting health, simply stop making disease. But the concept is foreign to most people: Making disease? Why would I be making disease? Mainstream consumers, you see, have been trained...
Heal Yourself in 15 Days - the series:
Part One - Remove barriers to healing
Part Two - Unleash your inner healing potential
Part Three - You are what you absorb
Part Four - Transform your health by making new blood
Part Five - Experience the healing potential of living plant juices
Part Six - Accelerate your healing with a 24-hour fast
Part Seven - Improve your health by rejecting the (mainstream) crowd:
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