
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

America has a doctor shortage? Nonsense!

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NaturalNews Tip of the day (from Mike):   

Are you waiting for the new health insurance reform to kick in? That won't happen until 2014. Until then, why not invest in your own "insurance" by choosing healthier foods, nutritional supplements and regular exercise? By 2014, you may not even need health insurance!

Dear NaturalNews readers,

The mainstream media now claims the USA has "a shortage of doctors." Nonsense! What we really have is an excess of disease.

In today's article, I explain how to solve the doctor shortage by simply putting them out of business!

If you think your conventional doctor is bird-brained, that might not actually be such a bad thing: It turns out that birds eat superfoods before flying on long migration journeys:

Meanwhile, placebo treatments seem to be more powerful than previously thought!

P.S. Don't miss the live interview with the Juice Daddy LIVE Thursday evening:

More news continues below on bee pollen for allergies, dangers of antidepressants, how to boost glutathione and more... 

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Today's Feature Stories:

America does not have a shortage of doctors, it has an excess of disease
(NaturalNews) Now that health reform relying on monopolized medicine has become the law of the land across America, the mainstream media is reporting on a sudden shortage of doctors. The nearly one million doctors who already treat a sick...

Migratory birds are teaching humans about the benefits of superfood berries
(NaturalNews) Birds such as sparrows, thrushes and warblers are apparently experts on preventing disease and optimizing their bodies to deal with stress. If that sounds like an exaggeration, consider this: scientists at the University of Rhode Island...

Placebo treatments much stronger than previously thought
(NaturalNews) A recent study published in the British medical journal, Lancet, has found that placebo, or fake, medical treatments exhibit a noticeable biological effect on patients. A panel of international researchers pored through a series of...

Juice Daddy Jay Kordich joins NaturalNews Talk Hour
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Celebrate World Homeopathy Awareness Week 2010
World Homeopathy Awareness Week is an international celebration of homeopathy. The event commences on the 255th birthday of the founder of homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann, on April 10th 2010. Events around the world invite participants to free...

Antidepressant use increases risk of stroke
(NaturalNews) Taking antidepressants may significantly increase the risk of stroke in post-menopausal women, according to a study conducted by researchers from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and published in the Archives of Internal Medicine...

Bee Pollen: Nature Provides an Answer for Allergies
It may seem counterintuitive to think that something with the word "pollen" in its title may actually be a powerful tool for combating pollen and other allergies. Yet the supporting evidence of bee pollen's prowess in helping people overcome...

Why it is Essential to Boost Glutathione and How to Naturally
The importance of glutathione or GSH, considered the master antioxidant and an important immune booster, has been discussed in previous Natural News articles. But this follow up clarifies the differences between externally administered glutathione...

Practice Fun Exercise Routines for Good Health
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Heal Yourself in 15 Days - the series:

Part One - Remove barriers to healing

Part Two - Unleash your inner healing potential

Part Three - You are what you absorb

Part Four - Transform your health by making new blood

Part Five - Experience the healing potential of living plant juices

Part Six - Accelerate your healing with a 24-hour fast

Part Seven - Improve your health by rejecting the (mainstream) crowd:

Part Eight - Stop making disease

Part Nine - Heal yourself by correcting a "Nature deficiency"

Part Ten - Heal yourself by cleaning up your skin exposure

Part Eleven - Heal yourself by eating MORE (not less)

Part Twelve - Heal yourself with the attitude of gratitude

Part Thirteen - Social healing

Part Fourteen - How to have more fun with exercise


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