
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Health insurance firms caught investing in junk food companies?

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NaturalNews Tip of the day (from Mike):   

Beware of an ingredient called titanium dioxide. It's a fine powder that's used in a surprisingly large number of foods as a food coloring agent. It's also used in sunscreen to block UV light. Avoid all foods made with it.

Dear NaturalNews readers,

The largest health insurance companies in North America have collectively invested $2 billion in fast food chains like Burger King, McDonald's, Taco Bell and Pizza Hut.

It's a clever business model because the more junk food and fast food you eat, the more you'll need health insurance, right?

Read more in my article that exposes the hypocrisy of insurance companies investing in fast food chains:

Meanwhile, new research reveals that green tea can prevent eye disease:

More news continues below on meat industry lies, hair treatments, superfoods that prevent inflammation and more... 

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Today's Feature Stories:

Health insurance companies invest billions in fast food chains
(NaturalNews) Did you ever wonder how health insurance companies drum up future business? It's easy: Just invest in companies whose products cause chronic degenerative disease, driving people towards more health care needs and therefore more health insurance...

Meat industry lying about E. coli contamination
(NaturalNews) The meat industry has been misusing data to make it appear that E. coli contamination of meat is decreasing, said Barbara Kowalcyk of the Center for Foodborne Illness, Research and Prevention. Executives from the American Meat Institute...

Green tea prevents eye disease
(NaturalNews) Recent research out of Hong Kong is indicating that certain substances found in green tea work to penetrate eye tissue and prevent eye disease. Catechins, a type of antioxidant, are one such substance that researchers say helps to prevent...

Physical health leads to good mental health, too
(NaturalNews) Young men who have better cardiovascular fitness also have higher cognitive function and perform better in educational settings, according to a study conducted by researchers from Gothenburg University in Sweden. "Our data demonstrate...

Gentle Hair Rinses and Treatments Help Oily, Limp Hair
Hair suffers damage from environmental factors such as pollution, harsh sunshine, wind and harmful products on a daily basis. Hair often gets over-washed and over-brushed, sometimes resulting in oily, limp hair. In an attempt to undo the...

De-Inflame with Superfoods, Part II
The human body has an incredible ability and desire to heal itself. Part of this self-healing process is the inflammatory cascade. This process is critical, but typically for a short period of time. However, when balancing mechanisms such...

Treat Yourself with Natural Homemade Spa Treatments and Recipes
In today's often hectic world, all some of us really want to be doing is sitting in a spa. Spas, however, are often known for outrageous prices, but the good news is you can make many simple spa treatments right in your own home. Even better...


Heal Yourself in 15 Days - the series:

Part One - Remove barriers to healing

Part Two - Unleash your inner healing potential

Part Three - You are what you absorb

Part Four - Transform your health by making new blood

Part Five - Experience the healing potential of living plant juices

Part Six - Accelerate your healing with a 24-hour fast

Part Seven - Improve your health by rejecting the (mainstream) crowd:

Part Eight - Stop making disease

Part Nine - Heal yourself by correcting a "Nature deficiency"

Part Ten - Heal yourself by cleaning up your skin exposure

Part Eleven - Heal yourself by eating MORE (not less)

Part Twelve - Heal yourself with the attitude of gratitude

Part Thirteen - Social healing

Part Fourteen - How to have more fun with exercise


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